
My friends would say that I am a jackass of various sorts, I disagree... I am what you would call a loving and considerate lad... witty and wise... the problem comes up when I say the truth. Like Gandhi, I believe in saying the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God... what people need to understand is that the truth hurts, stings even...

For example nobody wants to know their actual weight, and nobody wants to reveal their true age...society forces various stereotypes upon us. We need to walk and talk in a certain manner; we need to be tall, dark and handsome...or the fairer sex has to measure 36-24-36.... "If you are slim, trim and healthy, people will like you” they say.... I say all balls. I’m 5'10", 78 kgs and have a face the size of a small car with hair that acts as a naturally occurring helmet, and the truth is the people who despise me will keep despising me for life and I can’t help it. It’s not that they don’t like me because of my appearance, it’s because I’m honest, I call the things the way I see them, no sugar coating or sweet talking, no.... none of that. I don’t see why people need to kiss the arse of someone else just to get them to like you... ridiculous.

So, should I try to get everyone to like me by becoming the "gentleman stud", or can I ignore the society I live in and go about living my fat and comfortable life?... The Verdict... I'll leave the choice to you nice, sweet, considerate and beautiful people.......Psych!!!.... You suckers haven’t learnt anything yet...The verdict is quiet simple...

To Be.....

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