Upgrading to Life 5.0

"Sweet Mother of God!!! Another Wedding.." I stated loudly, two years ago, and here I am, two years later, a Married Man, Kalyana Sundaram post his own Kalyanam. Karma has a funny way of coming back and biting you in the Ass.

You would think two years is a long time, but it isn't, it flies by at break neck speeds and leaves you in a state of "huh? enna happened?", then you hear the scream in your head, "life kanna, life" and then you calm the hell down and realize, Its All Good. 

Suddenly you see the juvenile, drinking on the road, triples on a moped, midnight adventurous self of you pack his or her bags and leave home. Now leaving, You, the working, saving, not as retarded dreamer to make the next move, 'Queen to Queen's Rook 4'. And that is where you are, all ready, your sights set on the end game and you're gunning for it.

So how is the new upgraded 'Life 5.0' people ask me, and in all honesty....... the same. It's either that or I don't see it. There are minor differences, exciting differences, but the crux of who you are remains the same I suppose. It is as they say, you can take the "Cat to the Country Club, but you can’t take the Country out of the Cat".... or something to that effect... whatever, fuck it.

Now there are new things to look forward to, the arrival of my niece or nephew (I say nephew!) in less than 50 days, is the biggest thing. "Maams" is what he or she shall call me, and I will give them drinking money, yes I shall. New trips and holidays with the Wife is another, never traveled as "a couple" before, thought it would be boring as hell, but it's quite fun actually. Shifting out to our own place in a year, is probably the biggest and most expensive as far as budget goes, and a part of me dies when I think I have to leave Besant Nagar for the likes of Velachery, but like I said before, "life kanna, life"... if you can’t keep up with it, you get left behind.

Coming back to the point of being the same with the crux and all that nonsense, a good example is today. A Saturday, like the thousand Saturdays before this, we plan to do the same old thing and that is, "Put Kudi on Terr"... not a drink with fine dining and cheeses, not going to a fancy bar with champagne, but good old Old Monk with Water, and a Burger from Tasty Jones, sit in a big Circle and talk gibberish till the wee hours of the morning. And it’s things like this and days like these that make life, that much more exciting. The salt in the mix.

The verdict you ask? Is that Change is Inevitable and as long as it is towards the positive, I guess it's harmless. Also I didn't mean to sound like Morpheus back there... so, have a great weekend all of you.
