A Lecher...

Webster defines the verb, “to Lech” as follows – Lust. It’s that simple, Webster also defines the term “lecher” as follows, “a MAN who engages in lechery” are they trying to imply that only men lech? Ask my good friend Mr. Nikhil Kurian what the definition of a lecher is and he will point to one Mr. Thejas Krishna and vice versa, though this may be true in many cases, I am still not convinced. I agree some men are lechers; most of the buggers I know do it for a living, but I’m sure Women also lech about things, their mind might not be as one tracked as Kurian’s or Krishna’s but there has to be things they lust after, it’s in our nature as humans to do so.

So on my quest to discover the workings of the female psyche, I interviewed a few women, and most were silent and a few got violent, one Ms. Aparna Ramchandar seemed to be the most elusive, clearly she looked like the lecherous kind, but wouldn’t budge. Luck came to me when I spoke to one Sharon Sigamani, she was quiet proud of the fact that she was and is a lecher, handsome men and often hot women seem to interest her, fascinating. So there, there is proof of lecherous women. Webster needs to correct itself.

But is lusting after something a bad thing? I don’t know, on one hand seems desperate but on the other seems to be a path to greater glory, to achieve or to have something more fascinating that what is. But, to hell with that as I’m not in the mood to get into philosophical or theological discussions.

But realistically speaking, it is frowned upon..... So now for the verdict..... Lech on, I say.... It’s good fun.... you hurt nobody and the only possible downfall might be embarrassment, but then again you’re a lecher, so who cares!

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